Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blog of the Week


Would you mind commenting or blogging about the following three questions:

1) What was challenging about the TWS?

2) What was valuable about the TWS?

3) On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the MOST stressed), how stressed have you been about the Teacher Work Sample? Why?

Thanks! Oh - and Megan - you can write about the project you had to do last fall for BYU-Idaho.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that was challenging about the TWS is how time consuming it was. I felt that as I was doing it the same thing over and over. With all the different sections I felt that I was repeating the same information. I felt that a lot of the things we had to do were just time consuming and not very effective. It took forever to copy all the students work and put it all together. Also, the charts took a long time.
    One thing that was valuable about the TWS is that I had to put a little more thought and effort into my planning. That part was valuable but I feel that most of the work was just buys work.
    On a scale of 1-10 I feel that I was a 4 on being stressed. I was able to finish my TWS after Christmas break so I’ve been pretty stress free since but when I was doing it, it was stressful getting all the parts done.
