Tuesday, February 17, 2009


If I could change one thing about teaching it would be to have a smaller class. It sometimes gets overwhelming when there are so many students in the class and you are trying to meet their individual needs. I know what each student needs but it's had to always give them what they need. Such as individual attention, one on one questions, and more.
Another thing hat i would change is to not worry so much about the end of the year testing. With the people on my team we are always talking about the language that the test uses and the tricky questions that we need to prepare our students for. It's nice having a core to guide our teaching but I wish that we didn't have to focus so much what the end of the year test will have on it.


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm totally with you on the end of the year testing thing... it drives me crazy! I'm like can we PLEASE just focus on the students??? Just for a minute??? What is their home life like? What will they become when they are adults? Do they feel loved by anyone? Do they know they can be successful? I hate that some dumb test score is what we focus on!!! Ah!! -Chelsie

  2. Ashlee you are right on. As you can see, others feel your pain. I TRULY, TRULY hope that you won't worry too much about the test!!!! I know that with PLC's and all the pressure from every side, it's hard not to stress about it, but I PROMISE you that your students are going to do a lot better on it that you think they will.

    I use to stress about this a lot, but then I got to about my third year of teaching and I just decided to focus on the core, have fun with my class and create a positive environment for my kids. That year I had the best test scores I'd ever had.

    Oh...it makes my heart sad that your team is so focused on the wording of the test. I think the best thing you can do is take your kids to the computer lab once in a while and do those little practice tests on UTIPS. That way they can become familiar with the wording and format of the test.

    Your kids are going to be o.k. and they are going to do GREAT on the test! :0)
