Thursday, February 5, 2009


Sorry it took me so long to respond, I wanted to see how well my students would actually do with the peer editing, before I gave appropriate feedback. My students are doing such an amazing job! It is funny because it would appear that peer editing was what was making our writer's workshop such a nightmare. Now that they have the peer editing down, it seems that the rest of writer's workshop is flowing so smoothly. I have shared the peer editing checklist with my team! (I hope that is ok :) ) I have found the peer editing checklist to be such a useful tool in the aspect that is easy for my students to read and fill out. Also the idea of special red pens is awesome, my students love it! Thank you for coming and helping our writer's workshop.

Megan Camper and her class


  1. Megan,

    I'm glad it's working out. I taught a Writer's Workshop class last week and as I was going through my stuff I thought about you. I am going to bring you copies of everything and post some of them here on the website.

    See you soon!


  2. That sounds amazing! I am so suprised at how much my students love writer's workshop now that it is running more smoothly and effectively! Thank you so much!

  3. I'm really impressed with all your work with writer workshop! There were several good ideas that I will try in my class. YOu look very organized and this will help my students. Thanks for the ideas.
