Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Can you believe it-the last SEP's?! I was talking to a first grade teacher at Rock Canyon about SEP's and they do something like a walk-in report card for this SEP. I really liked the idea and I might try to modify it for myself. I am sure that you already have plenty to cover for your upcoming SEPs, but I thought I would share this idea if any of you would like to try it sometime. Instead of meeting with all of the parents (just at this SEP) all of the parents come into class (half in the morning and half in the afternoon) for an hour. They work through a packet with their child that covers concepts that they have been learning about recently. The parent is able to see for themselves what their student struggles with, their strengths and how they compare to other students in the class. During this time, the teacher walks around and visits for 5 mins. with each parent. If parents want more time with you, than they can set up an appointment. I know that it is not possible to do this right now, but I think I may send a packet like this home with my student on Monday and ask that parents work through it with their student and then perhaps I'll discuss it with parents at their SEP. It was just an idea-we'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. ohmygosh! I don't know who posted this but that's so crazy b/c JUST today, one of the second grade teachers was telling me about this... Their whole team is trying it for these SEP's. It's a little different though... They do the regular SEP times but they just have the student do the task right there for the parents. So they have them do one double-digit math problem, etc. So that's another twist on it! It sounds awesome but I'm with you... no time to do that THIS time around. Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!
